Are you interested in applying for funds from ASUCM?
ASUCM is here to help you make your idea become a reality! Whether it's a culture show, conference, project, or anything in between, we are committed to serving our students and their success.
Before applying for funds, there are a couple of questions that must be asked so you can understand which process to proceed with.
Ask yourself:
1. Is my event over 3 weeks away?
If it is not, we're unfortunately unable to fund your request. Please see the OSI Processing Timeline to be aware of how long it takes to purchase items, and what goes into consideration when we plan what we can fund. If it is over 3 weeks away, please make sure that your purchases will be completed within the timeline that is necessary per the Processing Timeline and continue to the next question.
2. How much am I requesting?
If it's under $3k, then you'll want to apply through ASUCM's Small Appropriations Board (SAB). You can find information about SAB here. If you're familiar with SAB, you can find the form here. If it's more than $3k, then continue to the next question.
3. Has my club been around for more than 2 whole semesters?
If not, then you are technically prohibited from receiving funds per ASUCM Financial Bylaws. However, exceptions are granted such as when submissions are made through SAB. Please refer to this link for more information about SAB. Please be aware that there is a $3k limit for requests. If you are older than 2 semesters, please continue to the next question.
4. Do I have a budget prepared to request?
If you do, then you're all set to continue with proposing a Senate Bill! Please see the Senate Legislation Proposal Form to continue with the process. Please note that it will take a minimum of 3 weeks from when you submit the proposal until receiving funds.