ICC Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Inter Club Council?
A: The Inter Club Council (ICC) is a funding board created by ASUCM to provide funds to registered campus organizations (RCOs). ICC is meant to assist RCOs in planning events on campus for undergraduate students and in the surrounding community.
Q: How does ICC work?
A: RCOs submit requests for events via the ICC Proposal Page, and present these requests at one of the weekly ICC meetings, where the ICC Delegates vote on the proposal. If the proposal is approved through ICC, it moves to the ASUCM President for approval.
Please read the bylaws before filling out the Budget Template to ensure that all the items are in accoradance with the ICC Bylaws. Additionally, do not alter the budget template format and submit as it is.
Q: How do I find out if my proposal is approved?
A: The ASUCM president or ICC secretary will notify each RCO after their proposal is fully approved. This should happen no more than five business days after the ICC meeting.
Q: How do I access the funds granted to my RCO?
A: After presidential approval, the RCO must submit a purchase order through CatLife to utilize their funds. This entire process usually takes a minimum of one week, so plan accordingly. Once the purchase order is approved, the contact specified on the approved proposal will be notified. The club will then have 75 days to spend the allotted funds, or else the money will be rolled back from their account into ICC funds.
You may obtain a specific timeline from the OSL Office.
Q: Does the ICC fund fundraisers?
A: Yes, ICC does provide funding for fundraisers. However, these funds must be reimbursed to the ICC plus interest: therefore, you need to pay back 110% of what you borrowed.
Q: Does the ICC fund travel?
A: Yes, clubs can submit a proposal requesting up to $1,500 for travel. Any proposals greater than this amount must be submitted to the ASUCM Senate. These proposals are considered at every meeting.
Q: Where can I find out more about the ICC?
A: At the ICC Cat Life profile, the ICC Facebook page and from the ICC Bylaws.
Q: How can an RCO request funding from ICC?
A: By following the process outlined below:
1. Make sure the club is eligible:
1. To submit a proposal, a club must have been registered as an RCO with the Office of Student Life for at least one year.
2. RCOs that have existed for less than one year must have a senior club submit the proposal on their behalf. OR, the RCO could submit a proposal under their name BUT the funding shall go to the senior/sponsor RCO. The RCO is then responsible for communicating with their sponsor RCO to spend the money accordingly.
3. On the day of the proposal's consideration, the RCO must send at least one knowledgable representative from the club to defend the proposal and answer questions. This person does not have to be an Executive member or an appointed representative.
2. Write up a proposal:
1. Criteria for Proposals:
1. Any requests for funding to the ICC must be for events which will be open to the entire student body of UC Merced.
2. ICC does not provide funding for private events or items for private club use: this includes but is not limited to sports or recreation equipment and gifts for speakers/guests. These funds must be requested from the ASUCM Senate.
3. Note: If the ASUCM president, upon reviewing a proposal approved by the ICC, finds it does not follow with the purpose of the ICC, he or she may veto it.
2. Format:
1. Proposals should be clear and specific in stating every item which the RCO intends to purchase with the requested funds. This includes the name of the item, the quantity, the price per unit, and the total cost of the items. The budget template must be used when submitting proposals, which can be downloaded on the proposal form.
2. Here is a link to the online Proposal Form
3. Big-ticket items vs. small-ticket items:
1. Proposals for more than $1,000 are considered “big-ticket items.” The first meeting of each month are reserved for these items. All other meetings are for “small-ticket items”, or proposals requesting less than $1,000.
4. Deadlines:
1. All proposals, both big and small ticket and travel should be submitted by noon the preceding Wednesday of the meeting the RCO wants to be considered on.
2. It is recommended that proposals be submitted at least three weeks before the date of the event which they are meant to fund. This is because it takes three to five business days for the RCO to receive the granted funds after the proposal receives presidential approval (which may take up to five business days). Keep in mind that larger events require more time if contracts need to be made with performers, speakers, etc. Even more time must be taken if the RCO is using a new vendor or a new speaker, performer, etc... to allow time for a contract to be drawn up.
5. Present the Proposal:
1. Once an RCO has submitted a proposal, a representative from that RCO must be present at the meeting to have their proposal voted on.
2. The person presenting the proposal should be as familiar as possible with the details of the event, including the budget, agenda, advertising methods, and prior attendance of the event.
3. After the proposal is presented, the ICC Delegates will vote. If the majority (50 percent or more) approve, the proposal is passed and will go to the ASUCM president for approval.