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Commencement Ceremony Location Survey


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Undergraduates of UC Merced, 

            As the 2020 project progresses, our campus is in the process of a major transformation. However, this comes with both pros and cons, in this context the con will affect the Commencement ceremony. With construction in and around the Bowl, where the Commencement Ceremony used to take place, this location will no longer be available. As a result, students began to question where the 2017 Commencement Ceremony and those held after would take place. A number of students have spoken to Vice Chancellor Charles Nies about their concerns and as a result on Wednesday, November 2nd, at the ASUCM Senate meeting he shared the primary concerns from the students which were:

  • Location of Commencement (with a strong desire for it to remain on campus)
  • For the tradition of the walk through the New Beginnings statue (started in 2009) to continue.

As administration continues to work things out, it is our job as the Associated Students to make sure that the voice of the student body is being heard. We have initiated discussions and put forth a request to be provided with the commencement plan options so that we can discuss them. Below you will find their two options that are being looked at.

We ask that you share the link with your student peers so that ASUCM is able to present a report to administration with significant numbers voicing the opinions of the undergraduate students.


Option #1


Option #2